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Temari Box Instructions for Use

Thank you for your purchase, in your box you will find:

  • 2 capsules (1 large and 1 small) to form the base of your temari
  • 1 ball of wool to create a soft base
  • 1 spool of all-purpose thread to structure your designs
  • 1 flexible meter, 12 pins and 1 gold thread to mark the equators of your ball
  • 4 decorative threads in various colors for personalized designs
  • 1 needle to sew your designs
  • 1 ring and a key ring attachment to transform your creations into unique accessories

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Instructions for use Grande Temari

If you prefer we have also put the full video on YouTube so you can pause it.

Instructions for use Petite Temari

If you prefer we have also put the full video on YouTube so you can pause it.

Step 1: Make the bottom of the small ball

Assembling the structure

  • Clip the two plastic half-spheres together to form the base of your Temari.

Roll up the wool

  • Take the yarn and start wrapping it around the ball, like for the big Temari.
  • Continue until the plastic is completely covered.
  • Once you are satisfied with the result, block the thread by wedging it between two other strands so that it does not slip.

Cover with the ground wire

  • Take the light background yarn and wrap it around the ball until the wool is no longer visible.
  • To secure the thread, make a triangle stitch using the needle to block it well.

Tip : If the thread slips too much at first, hold it firmly and do several turns before letting go. Be patient, you'll get there!

Step 2: Create the markers on the small ball

Marker creations

  • Place a gold pin at the north and south poles.
  • Add 8 pins equally spaced on the equator.
  • Sew these markers with the gold thread.
  • Secure the poles securely by passing them through the ground wire several times.
  • Wrap the thread once around the equator, then go back the other way to mark every eighth.

Tip : You can use a soft tape measure or do it "by eye"

Step 3: Sew the stars on the small ball

Sewing the first star

  • Use the two darker threads.
  • Start below the equator and work your way up to 0.5 cm from the north pole.
  • Make 2 or 3 full turns with each wire.

Sewing the second star

  • Use the two lightest strands, starting with the darker of the two.
  • Start just under the first star.
  • Make 2 or 3 turns with each wire depending on the remaining quantity.

Sewing on the other side

  • Repeat on the other pole.
  • Start at the equator markings not used for the first star.

Tip : Attach the keychain clip and give this Temari to a loved one!

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