Instructions for use Grande Temari
Instructions for use Petite Temari
Step 1: Make the bottom of the small ball
Assembling the structure
- Clip the two plastic half-spheres together to form the base of your Temari.
Roll up the wool
- Take the yarn and start wrapping it around the ball, like for the big Temari.
- Continue until the plastic is completely covered.
- Once you are satisfied with the result, block the thread by wedging it between two other strands so that it does not slip.
Cover with the ground wire
- Take the light background yarn and wrap it around the ball until the wool is no longer visible.
- To secure the thread, make a triangle stitch using the needle to block it well.
Tip : If the thread slips too much at first, hold it firmly and do several turns before letting go. Be patient, you'll get there!
Step 2: Create the markers on the small ball
Marker creations
- Place a gold pin at the north and south poles.
- Add 8 pins equally spaced on the equator.
- Sew these markers with the gold thread.
- Secure the poles securely by passing them through the ground wire several times.
- Wrap the thread once around the equator, then go back the other way to mark every eighth.
Tip : You can use a soft tape measure or do it "by eye"
Step 3: Sew the stars on the small ball
Sewing the first star
- Use the two darker threads.
- Start below the equator and work your way up to 0.5 cm from the north pole.
- Make 2 or 3 full turns with each wire.
Sewing the second star
- Use the two lightest strands, starting with the darker of the two.
- Start just under the first star.
- Make 2 or 3 turns with each wire depending on the remaining quantity.
Sewing on the other side
- Repeat on the other pole.
- Start at the equator markings not used for the first star.
Tip : Attach the keychain clip and give this Temari to a loved one!