rempotage bonsai

Repotting a bonsai: when and how to do it?

Repotting is an essential step in caring for your bonsai. A pot that is too small or a depleted substrate can stunt the growth of your miniature tree. In this article, we explain how to observe the signs that repotting is necessary, what materials to use, and what steps to take to ensure a successful transplant.

When should you repot your bonsai?

Bonsai seedlings should be repotted as soon as their growth slows or the leaves begin to wilt. Depending on the species, this can happen anywhere from 2 to 6 months after planting. It is essential to learn to observe your plants in order to detect these signs.

repotting bonsai shoots

Which pot to choose for a bonsai?

We recommend using small ceramic pots with a hole in the bottom for drainage. To prevent soil from leaking out, place a small grid at the bottom of the pot.

Bonsai pot

The steps of repotting

  1. Place a layer of small gravel at the bottom of the pot to promote drainage.
  2. Use black soil or a special shrub substrate. Avoid indoor soil containing white balls which retain too much water.
  3. Never pull on young shoots to extract them. If they are in a biodegradable pot (like those provided in our Bonsai Box ), carefully cut the pot and soak the root ball in water to remove as much old soil as possible.
  4. Plant one shoot per pot to give it optimal growing space.
  5. Water moderately to moisten the soil without soaking it.

Find out everything in video in step 6 of our instructions !

Promote recovery after repotting

After repotting, place your bonsai under a grow light to provide it with the light it needs to recover. Discover our detailed article on how LED plant lights work and order yours now on our store .

LED Grow Light for Indoor Plants

The well-being of gardening: an unexpected bonus

In addition to being beneficial for your bonsai, repotting can also have a positive impact on your well-being. Studies have shown that touching the earth stimulates the production of serotonin thanks to the bacteria Mycobacterium vaccae , thus promoting a feeling of well-being and relaxation.

Taking care of your bonsai also means taking care of yourself! Adopt these tips and watch your tree grow in a healthy and suitable environment.

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