Tamarack Larch
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Discover Tamarack Larch!

Did you know that Tamarack, also known as Western Larch, is a cold-hardy deciduous conifer that grows in all provinces and territories of Canada? It is known for its golden yellow color in autumn before losing its needles. Carried in clumps along the branches, the needles are bluish green and measure 2 to 3 cm long. It produces a small cone 1 to 2 cm long which contains around 25 seeds. This tree is capable of surviving temperatures below -60 degrees Celsius and can even grow in extreme arctic conditions.
Germination: hydrate in lukewarm water for 12 hours. A short period of stratification may be beneficial. Germination in soil kept moist should begin after 3 weeks.
Care Tip : Tamarack is a fast-growing tree that can tolerate bog-like conditions. It prefers exposure to full sun.
Life expectancy and particularities of the tree : The Tamarack can live up to 200 years in favorable conditions. It is one of the few conifers to lose its needles in autumn, making it a popular choice for bonsai due to its high adaptability to all forms of bonsai.
Find 5 Tamarack Larch seeds in the Bonsai Box and the Bonsai Box Deluxe .

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