Rocky Mountain Bristlecone Pine
Pinus aristata

Discover the Rocky Mountain Bristlecone Pine!
Did you know that the Rocky Mountain Heather Pine was originally classified as a foxtail pine due to the arrangement of the needles (like the tail of a cat or fox), but these trees were reclassified in the late 1800s and named "bristlecone" because of the long prickly "bristle" on the immature cone? The Rocky Mountain heather pine is a slow-growing, very long-lived species of pine - the oldest estimated at 2,500 years old. Native to Colorado in the Rocky Mountain range, it grows at very high altitudes ranging from 2000 to 4000 meters in cold, dry subalpine climates.

Germination : hydrate for 24 hours in water. No stratification is necessary. Water regularly during germination. In general, germination is rapid, the first shoots appear after 2 weeks.
Care advice : The Rocky Mountain heather pine requires well-drained soil and a sunny exposure. It is adapted to cold, dry climates but can be susceptible to fungal diseases. Moderate and regular watering is recommended.
Life expectancy and particularities of the tree : The Rocky Mountain heath pine can live up to 2,500 years, making it one of the oldest trees in the world. It is known for its resilience to extreme environmental conditions, including poor, rocky soils and harsh winters.
Find 5 Rocky Pine seeds in the Bonsai Box and the Bonsai Box Deluxe .

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